Meet the WU! Crew
Ally Burns
Co-Founder and Board Member
How long have you been involved with Women Unite!?
I’ve been involved with WU since its textual conception. I’m one of the five co-founders and am currently the treasurer. I came up with Plantasia, which is one of my favorite WU! events—I’m still finding soil at my house from our first potting party!
What does WU! mean to you?
WU! provides a way for us to get involved in our community and find the unique ways that we can all contribute as individuals and as a group. It’s been a source of encouragement and inspiration during some discouraging days, and I hope it gives hope and support to others who need it.
What’s an issue you care deeply about? Why?
Womxn’s health/reproductive issues and mental health. Womxn’s health issues are important to me because, like many social issues, they extend far beyond health; they embody issues of accessibility, equality, autonomy, and quality of life. As a soon-to-be counselor, mental health issues are also very close to my heart.
What drives you to be active in the community?
I love this city and I think it's important to give back to a community that has been so formative. Other nonprofits and people who have been active way longer than us are also motivation to keep going, and I love being able to work with them and learn from them.
What gives you hope?
Chicago and my friends are constantly inspiring me to dig for a better version of myself, to discover new things, and challenging me to keep going. Even in the winter.
Also, my son, Campbell. He finds something amazing in each day, even if it’s soil in the rug from the potting party.
What are 2–3 ways you're getting through the fall of late-stage capitalism?
1. I took all social media off of my phone and started playing Smash Brothers or reading instead of scrolling
2. I’m focusing on exercises that build strength and help me appreciate my body
3. Trying to embrace slowing down and hibernating in winter, even with the nonstop barrage of germs and viruses that feel never ending.
What’s one of your favorite local Chicago businesses?
Smallbar and Moonlighter!
Random fact?
Don’t bring up ALDI around me unless you want to talk about #aldifinds for an hour.
Also, growing up, my dad used to always read me and my four siblings stories from Greek Mythology. When he passed away, I got a giant thigh tattoo based on Theseus and the Minotaur. It was my first tattoo—that shit hurts!