Raise your voice.
Be a part of the WU! Crew.
Women Unite! is growing. At WU! we believe in the power of women and the key role we play in making our world a more just, compassionate place. We recognize this work requires centering the voices and experiences of people of color, women, and LGBTQ people. Therefore, we strongly encourage individuals with these identities or those who are members of other marginalized communities to apply.
Board Member
We are looking for 1–2 individuals who are passionate about intersectional feminism, the city of Chicago, and making an impact to join our Board of Directors. At WU! we believe in the power of the collective, of all that can happen when we pool our resources, our talents, and our passions to make our word a more just and compassionate place. We are interested in a diverse range of backgrounds and do not require previous nonprofit or board experience to join our board of directors.
Estimated Time Requirements:
Quarterly board meetings ranging in length from 1–2 hrs. This does not include the time required to review the agenda and packet prior to meetings.
On average, board members spend up to 2–10 hrs/month on projects related to WU!. This includes but is not limited to planning events for and networking on behalf of the organization.
To apply: Please send a copy of your resume and/or link to your LinkedIn page to Liz Jansen at lizj@womenunitechicago.org. Please also include a cover letter that notes at least one social or political issue you’re passionate about and why.
Grants and Development Contractor
The Grants and Development contractor will be responsible for assisting in and supporting fundraising operations for WU! This position will be part of a small team and will be responsible for the full range of fundraising and development activities for WU!’s clients and partners.
Hours: This is a remote, contract position. WU! is a Results Only Work Environment, which means focus and performance evaluation is based on results and outputs.
Rate: Hourly rate range is $25–40/hour and based on experience. Additionally, we offer contractors incentives for health & wellness, internet & phone service, financial support for caretakers, and an IRA match of up to 3%. To learn more about our workplace values and culture, check out our Transparency & Equity page.
To apply: Please email resume, cover letter, 3 writing samples, and a list of grants awarded and/or funds raised through giving activities to Liz Jansen, Executive Director of Women Unite! (lizj@womenunitechicago.org). In your cover letter, please note at least one social or political issue you’re passionate about and why.