
Green Era Campus

Brand Identity

Green Era Campus

About the Green Era Campus

Green Era’s mission is to create more sustainable communities by supporting local food production through better management of biodegradable waste and access to soil. They’re transforming a 9-acre vacant brownfield on the South Side of Chicago into a renewable energy facility and green oasis for economic empowerment, clean energy, fresh produce, and vibrant communities.

For the logo, Women Unite! selected a shape reflective of the campus in the Auburn Gresham neighborhood of Chicago. This symbol represents the transformation of a former brownfield to a hub for urban agriculture and green jobs.

The typeface Geomanist—a contemporary sans serif font designed with a combination of geometric shapes and humanistic touch—complements the form.

WU! also worked with the Green Era Campus to create campus signage, a website, press kits, tour booklets, capital campaign materials, infographics, and more!

View more work, case studies, and projects by Women Unite!