The Why Behind the Resolution

by Zelda Mayer, Communications Manager

Earlier this month, we announced our newest community offering: Every Issue Is a Feminist Issue. So why is a nonprofit consultancy creating a reimagined book club? 

Our work is grounded in the belief that change does not happen in isolation.

Movements need bodies. Communities need resources. Organizations need support. Women Unite! exists to take the fundraising burden off small grassroots organizations, to build up their capacity, to make sure that people have the resources they need to thrive. Every Issue Is a Feminist Issue is a direct extension of our belief in the power of people when they come together.  

We've seen firsthand powerful communities in action—and we are committed to making them even stronger.

As an organization of badass women and nonbinary folks who have the privilege to engage with 15+ nonprofit clients and partners serving more than 17 zip codes in Chicago, we witness inspiring change and work with the leaders making it happen. We also see patterns that fuel us to change the fundraising landscape, redistribute resources, and amplify movements. Our partners have stories to tell, and we’re here to create more opportunities and platforms for them. 

We resolve to use our resources to build a world that centers women.

Creating that world requires community—one that is strong, diverse, and constantly learning and growing. In support of this vision, we’ve intentionally designed Every Issue Is a Feminist Issue to include different forms of media, community partners, and an accessible format: 

  • Instead of only reading books, we’ll engage with art, videos, research, writing, and media of all kinds. We’ll keep the homework short and sweet. 

  • Each session will feature a nonprofit or community leader to ground our discussion in real-world efforts happening locally, giving the opportunity to speak directly to leaders. 

  • Our group will meet quarterly for two hours, giving us time to get to know each other and delve into discussions without the overwhelm. We’ll offer a combination of in-person sessions and virtual meetings. 

  • During the session, a facilitator will guide us through conversations and activities so we can get the most out of our time together. 

  • After each meeting, we’ll share resources to go further with the discussion topic, including ways you can directly get involved. You choose your own adventure and engage as much or as little as you like between sessions. 

We invite you to join our community, to engage in this work with us and our amazing partners. 


Predatory Lending Is a Feminist Issue


Newsletter #7: The “Good Mom” Industrial Complex