Meet the WU! Crew

Emily Barish

Board Member

Where do you work?
I work on jewelers row where I sell and design fine jewelry.

What drives you to be active in the community?
I believe in justice and the right for all people to live freely and equitably without fear or injury.

How long have you been involved with Women Unite!?
Since the beginning! Ally Burns called me up the week after the 2016 election and said something to the effect of, “Hey, you hate everything that’s happening right now too, right? I know some other babes who are just as angry and motivated and we should get together and do something.” I met her and the other original WU! babes a few days later and immediately fell in love with all of them and their passion and openness.

What do you like most about WU!?
The community it has provided during such an unstable, dystopian period has been an enormous help. We keep each other motivated, we are there to comfort and help pick one another back up when we’re feeling particularly down. The WU! community has helped me maintain focus on what can be done rather than all the things I cannot control.

What's an issue you care deeply about? Why?
On a personal level, reproductive justice is very important to me. Without my abortions, birth control, and sex education my life would be very different and I am very privileged to have had access to those things. One of the beautiful things about being a part of WU! is that I’ve been able to engage with so many different intersecting issues that I care about.

What’s a hobby you have?
I read a lot! These days it’s mostly fiction because a gal needs to escape sometimes.

What gives you hope?
My community gives me great hope. Over the years I know I have grown and learned and changed and I see that in my friends and family. We are more engaged, more active, and more empowered to use our voices. I see small organizations popping up, I see folks raising funds for mutual aid, and I see people speaking publicly about issues that have historically been considered “too political” or “too polarizing” or “too personal.”

What are 2–3 ways you’ve been getting through this pandemic?
Lots of comfort food deliveries from my favorite independent restaurants, walks in Labaugh Woods, facetimes with friends, and THERAPY.

Fun/random fact you want to share?
As the resident extrovert, the WU! crew used to send me table to table at our early bar afternoons to collect donations from strangers. Because I am a woman without shame and because I am incredibly persuasive. These days I hustle for WU! on the internet because I can’t corner people in person anymore.

What’s one of your favorite local Chicago businesses?
I love our bar and restaurant community here so much. Scofflaw, Land and Sea Dept., Small Bar, and Hopewell have been supporting us since the beginning. Not only do they have amazing eats and drinks, but they put their money where their mouth is when it comes to supporting community care.