Feminist Action Fund

Feminism is more than a belief—it’s an action.

Women Unite! was founded with the goal of using the skills and resources at our disposal to support, empower, and amplify crucial work happening throughout Chicago. Through our Feminist Action Fund, we provide direct cash to organizations serving women, people of color, and the most attacked and exploited members of society—helping our community weather crises and injustices.

“The one thing I always fall back on during moments of overwhelm and fear is the power of community. Dollars from the Feminist Action Fund will be donated directly to organizations committed to a host of feminist causes. Our intent is to use this fund to respond to crises and help build long-term, community-driven power.”

—Liz Jansen, WU! Co-Founder and Executive Director

Past Recipients

Click on each image to see the receipts

Learn more about how we put feminism in action:

Transparency & Equity 

Our Impact